Safety protocols will be followed

The 2021 Maplewood Garden Club’s 84th Annual Plant Sale is on and will be held outdoors at the Maplewood Community Pool parking lot near the Office of Emergency Management building.
Since COVID-19 is still a concern, the MGC will take all necessary precautions during the sale. Face masks will be required; and, to ensure safe distancing, shopping will be limited to 30 customers (including children) at a time, with a shopping time limit of 45 minutes. Customers wishing to continue perusing the vast plant collection can reenter the sale with a new exit time. The preferred form of payment will be check or credit card.
Considering the restricted number of people permitted on site, the club is requesting that customers shop alone or limit the group size attending the sale, and to be patient with a potentially protracted shopping experience. Plant Sale hours have been extended to accommodate these changes: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, May 6 and 7, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 8.
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